The Weakest Link in Network Security?

The Weakest Link in Network Security?

The weakest link in your network security? Your employees!

Cybriant works with KnowBe4 to provide new school security awareness training. Your employees are frequently exposed to sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. Old school training – o meetings or posters in the break room just don’t cut it anymore.

Security Benefits of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

See the video below to learn more:

Ready to secure your human firewall?

What is Firewall Logging and Why is it Important?

What is a Firewall Logging and Why is it important?

Get Your Automated Security Awareness Program, ASAP!

Get Your Automated Security Awareness Program, ASAP!

More than ever, your users are the weak link in your network security. It is time for a comprehensive approach to effectively manage this problem, managed by people with a technical background. Cybriant has partnered with KnowBe4 to offer our clients an integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform. 

Many IT pros don’t exactly know where to start when it comes to creating a security awareness program that will work for their organization. We’ve taken away all the guesswork with our new, no-charge Automated Security Awareness Program (ASAP).

ASAP is a revolutionary tool for IT professionals, which allows you to create a customized security awareness program for your organization that will help you to implement all the steps needed to create a fully mature training program in just a few minutes!

free cybersecurity program cybriant

The program is complete with actionable tasks, helpful tips, courseware suggestions and a management calendar. Your custom program can then be fully managed from within the KnowBe4 console. You also have the ability to export the full program as a detailed or executive summary version in PDF format, use it for compliance requirements, and reporting to management.

The process of creating the program is simple enough, answer 15-25 questions about your goals and organization, and a program will be scheduled for you automatically. The program tasks will be based on best-practices how to achieve your security awareness goals. You have an easy calendar view to plan and deploy your security awareness program.

Here’s how it works:

  • 15-25 questions depending upon answers
  • Suggested training materials based on answers
  • Choose and change your program start date and tasks
  • Calendar and list view of tasks
  • Dashboard with program status, % complete, tasks overdue, etc.
  • Detailed and summary exportable PDF versions of your program
  • Fully mature awareness program ready in 10 minutes
  • Find out what YOUR program will look like. There is no cost… Start ASAP!

GET STARTED ASAP! Be sure to enter Cybriant as the partner.

Find out what YOUR customized program will look like.

Red Flags of Phishing Attacks

Red Flags of Phishing Attacks

Back in the early days of the Internet, phishing emails were full of typos and laden with obvious clues—appeals from faraway princess or rich relatives you never knew you had. These were very easy to spot. But cybercriminals have upped their game since then. For example, some cybercriminals go to great lengths to match the branding, color schemes, and logos associated with the companies they are trying to impersonate.

Phishing emails may be more difficult to identify these days, but there are some important steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions below, there’s a very good chance that you’re looking at a phishing email.

  1. Does the message ask for personal information?
    Always remember that reputable businesses do not ask for personal information—such as social security and
    credit card numbers—via email.
  2. Does the offer seem too good to be real?
    If it seems too good to be true, it’s a fake. Beware of emails offering big rewards—vacations, cash prizes, etc.—
    for little effort.
  3. Does the salutation look odd?
    Reputable companies will use your name in the salutation—as opposed to “valued customer” or “to whom it
    may concern.”
  4. Does the email have mismatched URLs?
    If you receive an email from an organization that includes an HTML link in it, hover your mouse over the link without clicking and you should see the full URL appear. If the URL does not include the organization’s exact name, or if it looks suspicious in any other way, delete it because it’s probably a phishing email. Also, you should only visit websites that begin with “https” because the “s” at the end indicates advanced security measures. Websites that begin with “http” are not as secure.
  5. Does it give you a suspicious feeling?
    Trust your instincts when it comes to email. If you catch yourself wondering whether it’s legitimate, and your instinct is to ignore and delete it—then pay attention to that gut check.

As email scams become more sophisticated, it is more likely that an employee at your company will fall victim to a phishing technique.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Top 10 Clicked Phishing Emails

Top 10 Clicked Phishing Emails

Our security awareness training partner, KnowBe4, recently released the Top 10 Global Phishing Email Subject Lines for Q2 2017 report. The list below shows the subject lines of the phishing emails that are top clicked of all global phishing emails:

Security Alert – 21%
Revised Vacation & Sick Time Policy – 14%
UPS Label Delivery 1ZBE312TNY00015011 – 10%
BREAKING: United Airlines Passenger Dies from Brain Hemorrhage – VIDEO – 10%
A Delivery Attempt was made – 10%
All Employees: Update your Healthcare Info – 9%
Change of Password Required Immediately – 8%
Password Check Required Immediately – 7%
Unusual sign-in activity – 6%
Urgent Action Required – 6%
*Capitalization is as it was in the phishing test subject line

“The subject lines we are reporting here actually made it through all the corporate filters and into the inbox of an employee. That’s astounding. We are in a security arms race, and a multi-layered defense is critical because each layer has different points of effectiveness and ineffectiveness,” said Perry Carpenter, chief evangelist and strategy officer at KnowBe4.

“If crafted correctly, the right type of message can sail through all of the defenses because it is finding the least effective point of each and playing into the human psyche of wanting to receive something you didn’t know about or needing to intervene before something is taken away. Ultimately this means that a company’s ‘human firewall’ is an essential element of organizational security because people truly are the last line of defense.”

Employees are your last line of defense. Learn more about the security awareness training offered and managed through Cybriant: https://www.cybriant.com/home/services/strategic/training/

Businesses have to also be aware that social media messages to their users are potential landmines to their corporate networks. KnowBe4 evaluated the Top 10 Global Social Networking Subject Lines and found that four of the top 10 spots equaling a full 44 percent were related to LinkedIn messages, which users often have tied to their work email addresses.

As part of its ongoing research efforts, In October 2016 KnowBe4 evaluated more than 10,000 email servers and found that 82 percent of them were misconfigured, allowing spoofed emails to successfully bypass endpoint security systems and enter an organization’s network. Aggregating information on the most clicked phishing test subject lines and sharing that data with clients is another way that KnowBe4 is helping protect against social engineering tactics that continue to plague businesses around the globe, resulting in growing ransomware, CEO fraud and other phishing-initiated attacks.

Are you training your employees to become a “human firewall?” Take a look at the free tools that you can use to test your users and their network: https://www.cybriant.com/home/services/strategic/training/

Businesses that are not already working with KnowBe4 to effectively train their workforce into a “human firewall” can utilize a number of free tools at www.knowbe4.com to test their users and their network.

What is Firewall Logging and Why is it Important?

Free Security Awareness Training Tools

It’s War!

It’s War!


After monitoring the Petya ransomware outbreak, Stu Sjouwerman, Founder and CEO of KnowBe4, declared in a recent blog post that we are in the midst of cyber warfare.

This has been brewing under the surface for a few years, but now we are dealing with open cyber warfare here. Like it or not, as an IT Pro, you have just found yourself on the frontline of 21-st century war.

Read more here: https://blog.knowbe4.com/we-are-dealing-with-cyber-warfare-here

How are you defending your enterprise? Cybriant can help prepare you for the front lines of battle. We strongly suggest these three defenses:


Protect your critical data with cloud backup. With automated backups and quick recovery, you can protect virtually any type of file on both physical and virtual servers, NAS, SAN, and external hard drives.

Cybriant’s recovery solution offers advanced technology to reduce the size of backups, shorten backup windows, minimize bandwidth interference and reduce the storage footprint.

Find out more


Your users are your last line of defense. They need to be trained and remain on their toes with security top of mind. Cybriant offers an integrated platform for awareness training combined with simulated phishing attacks.

Take a look at the free IT security tools we offer through our partner, KnowBe4.

Find out more

Managed Security

Are you aware of what is happening in your security infrastructure around the clock? Cybriant’s dedicated security experts review security logs and alerts in real time to identify and thwart malicious activity.

Cybriant provides the most vigilant oversight of your security infrastructure and your critical assets through our 24/7 security information and event management (SIEM) service.

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