Tips to Secure Corporate Data with Remote Workers

secure corporate data

In an unprecedented time in our lives, more and more workers are being asked to work from home because of COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. Take a look at the following suggestions to secure your corporate data with remote workers.

MDR vs. EDR: What is the Difference?

mdr vs edr

MDR vs. EDR? Both MDR and EDR are focused on the protection of your endpoints, but what is the difference in the services, and which one is the best for you?

Why Do I Need an EDR Solution?

need an edr solution

Is an EDR Solution required for your cybersecurity strategy? Keep reading to see the benefits and EDR could provide as well as the potential benefit of outsourcing. 

What is Managed EDR Security?

managed edr security

Managed EDR Security is more important now than it ever has been. Here are our top guides and recommendations for managed endpoint detection and response. 

7 Reasons You Need Managed EDR Security

edr security

By using managed EDR Security solutions with AI and machine learning technology, your organization will be able to prevent malware attacks before they can execute. Here’s how.